Friday, September 26, 2008

Holiday time

We looked at our new friends' blog today and we have put a link to it in our links section. We tried to leave some comments but there was a problem . Every time we pressed the publish button, our comments disappeared. We won't be able to comment now until after the holidays so good luck with your blogging Year 5. Tracey will be able to tell us more when we see her after the holidays because she is coming to visit you. We loved your soft toys so much we decided to send you a kiwi to add to your collection. We took some photos of Wiki Kiwi in the playground before we gave him to Tracey. We know he will enjoy staying with you at your school and that you will look after him.

Finishing off Term 3

We have done lots of exciting and interesting things in and around Room 5 over the last three weeks.
We have had tennis coaching. Thomas already has tennis lessons so he was our expert on the day. Some other people from our class play tennis and they are practising their skills using our padda-tennis bats at play time.

We went to Penguinos ice-cream shop to see how they make their ice-cream. We were so lucky because after we saw the ice-cream come out of the machine we were given our own Penguinos ice-cream and Philip, the owner, let us choose our favourite flavour. Did you know that there are more than 70 penguins, (pictures, borders, ornaments and stuffed toys) in that shop? They have won gold and silver medals for their ice-cream.
We are still learning new dances at Jump Jam. Viv's favourite dance is Crazy Frog. We go on Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays.
The last thing we have done is our Trade Fair. We used all of the information we acquired in our research to write a speech. We pretended to be Exhibitors and we were marketing our ice-cream to the visitors. We pretended the visitors were Retailers. Some people said their speeches 50 times and everyone had orders written on their order forms. If only the ice-cream was real we could be very rich.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Comments from Cambodia

We are so lucky that people from all over the world read our blog. Our buddy class teacher Tracey has some friends in Cambodia where she used to teach and they have been reading our blog. We have had some lovely comments from Ellie, Adi, Christina, Anouk, Jalesa, Maliya, Sangmin and Alex. They have started up a blog and we would like to look at it so we can get to know them better. You can read their comments on our posting "Working in our Inquiry Groups" just below. Viv tried to connect to the address they sent but she couldn't get the blog to come up. Perhaps Tracey might be able to help us when we see her at buddy time on Friday. It will be fun getting to know some new friends in Cambodia.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Working in our Inquiry Groups

In reading this week we have been researching more information about ice-cream so we can prepare for our speeches at our "Trade Fair." We have been reading an article in an Air New Zealand flight magazine about a company called "New Zealand Natural Ice Cream." We had one main reader and we each had our own work sheet to complete so we had to co-operate to make sure we all found out the information we needed. Some of the information was right there in the text but some was hidden. We had to really think hard about some questions because we had to work on things we already knew. We used all of our reading strategies and our co-operative working skills.
We found out that ice-cream companies love it when airline companies buy their ice-cream. It's good advertising. The passengers will buy the ice-cream when they get home. New Zealand Natural ice-cream has won gold medals. Sometimes the food technologists design a flavour that's good and sometimes it's not successful. Coconut flavour was not successful because it was too white.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Hearing From Eli

It was great to hear from Eli today when we went to the library for our eLearning time. Thanks for leaving a comment on Joe R's blog. We all read it and thought about you Eli. We are all wondering why you only have 20 minutes for lunch. When do you get to have a playing time with your friends? How is that little kiwi Rachel getting along? Have you taken her to your school yet?
We have lots of questions to ask you. Do you have a class blog? Do you have another personal blog? How long is morning tea time at your school?
You have probably read that we have just run our Cross Country Event. Joe R came sixth which was an improvement on last year. David Zohrab won and Thomas, his twin came second kin that age group. In your age group, Joe P came first and Sam came second.