Wednesday, February 20, 2008


We are going swimming this term for fitness and water safety. We have two groups. The first group practise swimming the width of the pool. This group have been improving their water confidence by doing starfish as well.The small group practise swimming the length of the pool. They are learning other strokes too like backstroke and breaststroke. We have four swimming times which is very lucky. It's quite cold on Mondays and Thursdays because we go swimming early, at 10 o'clock. We work really hard on those days and soon we get warm. On Wednesdays we go at 11:30 and the pool is lovely and warm. Friday is our day to swim with our buddies.

Starting our year - Inquiry Learning

This year, as well as all of the usual things we do like Reading, Writing, Maths and Physical activities we are going to focus on Inquiry Learning. Our teacher, Viv has organised us into Inquiry Groups and we are starting off by learning how to ask good questions which include one of the seven servants and some key words or phrases.
You can see from the photo that we have been designing questgions to ask so that we can learn more abouteach other.